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Natalie Portman Military

Natalie Portman Military

Zac Beauchamp is a senior reporter who covers issues of ideology and democracy both at home and abroad. Before joining in 2014, she edited TP Ideas, a section of Think Progress dedicated to the ideas that shape our political world.

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Natalie Portman, one of the most famous Jewish people on the planet, has just announced that she will boycott a major event in Israel.

Portman was scheduled to travel to Jerusalem to receive the Genesis Prize, a prestigious award sometimes called the "Jewish Nobel." On Friday, she abruptly canceled her visit, explaining in an Instagram post that she "didn't want to appear as a patron of [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu." It's unclear what will happen to the $2 million that comes with the prize.

It's not unusual for celebrities to avoid Israel for political reasons. Hollywood is leftist and many celebrities are pro-Palestinian. Netanyahu's government is one of the most extreme in Israel's history, especially when it comes to the conflict with the Palestinians. It is expected that the tension.

But Portman is a completely different case. He is an Israeli citizen, born in Jerusalem, although he grew up in America and now lives in France. In the past, Portman has been an outspoken defender of Israel — as a Harvard graduate, she worked on a landmark book defending the Jewish state from critics. He speaks Hebrew well; In 2015, he wrote, directed and starred in a Hebrew adaptation of the memoir by Israeli author Amos Oz.

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Therefore, Natalie Portman canceling her visit to Israel in protest is unusual, and Israeli politicians do not treat it as such. Israeli MP Oren Hazan from Netanyahu's Likud Party asked Portman to be stripped of her Israeli citizenship. Cabinet member Yuval Steinitz said his decision "has elements of anti-Semitism".

It's not a sideshow, it's a celebrity show of sorts. This is a major indicator of the tension between liberal Jews in the United States and the increasingly right-wing government of Israel. A canary in the coal mine, Portman has warned Israel that its policies toward Palestinians and African immigrants are increasingly at odds with its natural friends abroad.

The Genesis Prize said in a statement that "recent events in Israel have been very upsetting for him" and that he "does not feel comfortable participating in public events in Israel." This was interpreted as a reference to the border crisis between Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip, in which Israeli forces have occasionally shot dead a number of Palestinians during violent protests near the border wall.

Natalie Portman Military

If Portman were to boycott Israel and Gaza altogether, it would be a remarkable development. One of the few celebrities to publicly defend Israel in the past, it shows his support for the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. In fact, he will sign up to become a prominent advocate for the international cause of Palestine.

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But Portman's statement on Instagram, following her Genesis Award comment, offers a slightly more nuanced explanation. First, he specifically denied being a BDS advocate; he skipped the event because Netanyahu was also scheduled to speak there. "Like many Israelis and Jews around the world, I can criticize Israel's leadership without sanctioning the entire nation," he said.

Second, there was an expression of dissatisfaction with the Netanyahu government regarding the refugee policy. There are currently about 40,000 immigrants living in Israel, mostly refugees from Africa. Netanyahu's government abandoned initial plans to deport them, but in early April reneged on a deal with the United Nations that would have given them permanent status in Israel, leaving the refugees out in the cold. Portman's statement seemed to indicate that it was "the latest incident" that upset her.

He writes: "Israel was founded 70 years ago as a refuge for Holocaust refugees." But treating the victims of atrocities today is not in line with my Jewish values."

However, the focus has been somewhat off the mark on the political developments in Israel over the past month. Portman has long been a critic of the Netanyahu government; After his election in 2015, he told The Hollywood Reporter that he was "very angry and disappointed" about the "racist" comments he made about Arab voters during the campaign.

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In fact, her statement included a much-missed line — "Because I care about Israel, I must oppose violence, corruption, inequality, and the abuse of power" — indicating that it's not about current events, but concerns. is Portman's broadest. . with the Netanyahu government. It's less about boycotting the state of Israel and more about a Jewish and Israeli citizen of the United States expressing concern about the current leadership of that state.

However, this is still a big deal. Few Jews, Israeli or Diaspora, support a wholesale boycott of Israel. But opinions about Netanyahu's government, in particular, are very mixed. Portman's criticism of the Jewish state comes from a place of love, not hostility, likely to be taken seriously by Jews, especially Americans.

"It's an important symbolic moment," says Jeremy Pressman, a scholar of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the University of Connecticut. "Undeniable as a BDS supporter."

Natalie Portman Military

It wouldn't be so strange if this was the only person who took a proactive stance. But Portman's opposition to the Netanyahu government points to much broader and deeper differences between Israeli and American Jews.

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On one level, the difference between Israeli and American Jews could not be simpler: Israeli Jews are generally more conservative than their American counterparts. According to Pew, 49 percent of American Jews identify as liberal; Only 8 percent of Israeli Jews say the same. Nearly twice as many Israeli Jews (37%) as American Jews (19%) described themselves as politically conservative in the Pew poll.

This is due to various deep historical experiences. Stephen M. Cohen, a research professor at Union College's Institute of Jewish Religion, told me that American Jewish identity stems from "a sense of exclusion from American society." Israel has a long and strong socialist political tradition, but the peace process of the 1990s was shattered by the violence of the Second Intifada and the withdrawal of forces from the Gaza Strip in 2005 after the Islamic group Hamas took over the territory.

In every presidential election in recent memory, a majority of American Jews have voted for the Democratic candidate. Israel's center-left Labor Party has not won an election since 1999.

The result is a slow but steady sense of alienation among American Jews from the Israeli political system. More and more American Jews look at Israel and see a country that occupies Palestinian land and violently suppresses peaceful Palestinian protests, and a Jewish state that legitimizes only a conservative aspect of Judaism, Orthodox Judaism. Like preventing mixed-gender groups from praying at the Western Wall, the holiest site of Jewish worship.

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The Pew data shows an age difference here: Younger American Jews are more skeptical of Israel's political direction than their older counterparts. American Jews between the ages of 18 and 29 are five times more likely than those over 65 to believe that the United States "supports" Israel. sincere efforts for peace with the Palestinians; this figure is 10 points higher among Jews over 50.

Natalie Portman, 36, is one of the most prominent members of the youngest group of American Jews. His decision to cancel the speech not only exemplifies the tensions between liberal America and conservative Israel, but also inflames the conflict: he serves as a role model, a Jew in good standing and a Zionist willing to speak out. . against the Israeli government.

Because of this, prominent Israeli politicians - especially from the right - have called for the removal of citizenship or tried to make it anti-Semitic in some way. It is not without reason that they are worried about what this will mean in the future between Israel and its most important international ally.

Natalie Portman Military

Now, there have always been tensions between Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora. Every society has internal problems.

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